
1.    We are the owners of llfra’s painting entitled Swaying Coral which I purchased at her Winchester Exhibition in July 2022. It now hangs in a prominent position in our family room at home. What I love about her paintings is her use of bright and vivid colours and her subtle introduction of texture which produces a 3D effect. Every time I look at the painting I see another little interesting detail.

PB: Hampshire UK

2.    ILFRA CARLICK – a talented artist: Ilfra Carlick has genuine talent.  Her paintings are bold and heart-warming – the colours and shapes are warm and vibrant and refresh the eyes.  Every time you look at her work, you are aware that there is more to take in, which encourages you to spend longer studying the details.  Sparked by the sketch of Boccadasse that her father-in-law, Robert Carlick, produced, she has created a rich and colourful painting of the Italian Riviera town.  Unusually I have hung this in my bedroom – on the wall opposite my bed, which means that it is the last thing I see each night and the first thing I see every morning, which makes me feel nurtured.  I  look forward to seeing more of her paintings.

JL Melksham, Wiltshire

3. Elixir: We never tire of this painting and have hung it in the most used room in our house. The predominant bright colours are a variety of greens and turquoises and sometimes it feels as if we are looking through a window to the outside world but it is not a world we can make complete sense of and is full of imagery and magic. The colours are vibrant and seem to change constantly in daylight and at night in artificial light too. We love the way you can see the suggestion of an object emerging from the painting and next time you look you observe something different. The painting takes you on a constant dance back and forth up and down the painting as you take in the different shapes and textures.

C and A : Hampshire UK

4.  Ilfra plans little in advance and her work grows organically as she progresses. Her colours work, sometimes vibrant, sometimes more muted, always toning together well. We chose "Jugs". The shapes and colours attracted in equal measure. Muted shades of brownie pinks, greeny greys, and yellow complemented the curves of the jugs and carafes central to the painting, highlighted here and there by clear white lines etched through the paintwork. Every time I look at it I can see something different. Is that a candle in the middle, and perhaps a shadowy onlooker admiring the composition from a different angle? 
We have a Ben Nicholson print of a sketch which for me has similarities. Ben draws clear black entangled shapes on a pinky grey background, unnamed but Jugs could describe that one too. Ilfra's colour scheme brings hers to life for me, and positioned above our piano looks as though it was painted with that spot in mind.
SW Hampshire

5.  Why do these colours and their relationships have an impact on my mind and my feelings? I don't know. I could humbly say that I am not an art critic and cannot comment about it. O the other hand I must say that sometimes I am not impressed either by the comments I happen to read when visiting a contemporary art exhibition!!
But if you go on enjoying a painting for months and keep discovering some new things in it,  then you can be sure it is a work of art.
This painting from Ilfra Carlick I've got is one of them, (Hill Storm)

MB Marseilles, France

6.    We purchased "Music and Circles" over twenty years ago. It spoke to us then and it still keeps on talking to us. It radiates harmony and positivity with its beautiful choice of colours and fluidity. As an abstract piece with both see something different in it. My husband can see a musical instrument in a relaxed background whereas I get melodies in my head when looking at it.

D and T, Berkshire

7.    We are fortunate enough to own three of Ilfra Carlick's paintings. With their strong or subtle colours and their bold or intricate forms, each one provides a daily source for meditation and contemplation.

V.   London