Prime Women Artists' Textiles Group

In September 2023, textile artist Sue Spence invited group members who used textiles in their work to join her to share their work and practice. Six artists gathered in the first meeting and the Textile Artists subgroup, now numbering fourteen, have since met twice more.

The artists currently in the group work with yarn and textiles in diverse ways including hand or machine embroidery, fabric or mixed media collage, wet felting, needle felting, patchwork, crochet and weaving. Some are primarily painters, whose work includes stitched elements, or artists still experimenting or considering how they might use textiles in their practice.

In line with our values, this group aims to offer:

  • social networking
  • skill sharing
  • focused discussion
  • collaborative projects, and
  • exhibition opportunities

A number of group members have exhibited in our group exhibitions and the group grows from strength to strength with a whole programme of gatherings planned.

Watch this space for more news from the group.